Categories: Destinations | seasonal work | lifestyle
What is seasonal work?
A word you might have heard before. But what is seasonal work and why is it a popular way for people to travel the world? Working abroad has never been easier and in this post, I explain what seasonal work is.
How to find and get a job abroad!
Do you want a Nomadic life? Do you want to travel the world but don’t have an unlimited bank account? Do you want more out of life than a 9-5 job? Then this post was made for you!
Monthly expenses as a nomad
What does it really cost to travel full-time? In this post, I will let you in on a little financial secret. I’ll break down the monthly costs of a nomad, and the result might surprise you! Hopefully, this will help you realize that you don’t have to be rich to live this kind of life!
Summer Summery of Lofoten 2020
Hello from a busy summer season in Lofoten! I have decided to stay a little longer than originally planned, just popped in for a quick summary of what life’s like for a seasonal worker sometimes! For example, I’ve lived in a caravan for the past 2 months!
Seasonal working nomad | Breakdown of 2019
Every year as a seasonal working nomad looks different and in this post, I will do a breakdown of all the countries I visited, the places I lived in, and the jobs I had during 2019. A simple breakdown to give you an idea of how a year could look when you have this lifestyle!
88 days a slave - from a different perspective
Back in 2017, I did 88 days of regional work to qualify for my 2nd-year visa in Australia. Let me tell you the story of how life on a farm in tropical Queensland was for me. This is a wonderful, happy story, unlike the horrible ones you often hear about regarding regional work.
My horrible work experience in Norway
You can’t work seasonally for 6 years without having at least one bad encounter right? In this post, I will share my own horrible work experience in Norway. I hope to encourage you to quit any job if you feel like it is awful and/or taking advantage of you.